The Alien Revolution Issue 57

Story Synopsis:

As the base nears completion, Straker and Foster observe from a helicopter. The Aliens have discovered its existence, and the construction site is on high alert until it is ready to use. Revolutionaries plot the overthrow of their dictator government in the Mexican foothills near Veracruz.

They’ve discovered a cargo of arms that they intend to steal. In the meantime, a UFO eludes the Interceptors and lands near the rebels’ camp. The Alien is brought to the leader, but the UFO explodes. The leader realises that the Alien might be able to assist in the theft of the entire ship, not just the armaments, and a convoy heads towards the wharf.

Foster has been dispatched to investigate after Straker has been notified. However, the rebels have already identified their target, and the Alien, together with Guevanda, flies the ship away. Paul is shot down and left adrift in a dinghy while investigating the stolen ship in a helicopter.

Guevanda has realised that the Alien has its own agenda and is on its way to the new SHADO station. Guevanda is killed and the Alien gets mortally injured in a struggle. However, before dying, it sends the ship on a fiery and destructive collision course. Sky One flies in with seconds to spare and destroys the ship, rescuing the base.

The Alien Revolution Page 1
  • Magazine Number: 57
  • Artists: Malcolm Stokes
  • Publication Date: March 17, 1972


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